Veoneer Partner Portal Support
If you are not a Primary Security Administrator (PSA) or a Secondary Security Administrator (SSA), you should contact your PSA or SSA for help. Before contacting support, please be sure you have followed
the "Site Usage Requirements" listed in the link located below the Login.

For technical support (e.g. broken functionality or web links), please contact one of the regional IT Service Desks:

Contact Number : +1-888-550-5308

You can also submit a support request via email, using the following:

  • Email address:

  • Subject: VPP Technical Support Request

  • Mandatory information to include in the email body: Full name, company name, phone number, email address, VPP User ID, Veoneer Supplier ID, description of the problem.

  • Provide as detailed a description of the problem as possible. Include error messages, steps to duplicate the problem, and conditions when the problem occurs. You may attach images or documents as evidence of the problem.

The Veoneer Service Desk will contact you as soon as possible to respond with a solution or clarify your issue and investigate further.